How do I edit my own versions of lessons in a curriculum?

You can make new versions of any lesson in the PocketLab Library or in curriculum and make your own edits

PocketLab Notebook allows for quick and easy editing of any lesson from the PocketLab Library or a curriculum you have access to. We encourage you to make each lesson your own by making adjustments to meet the needs of your students in your classroom. 

Start Editing a Lesson

To start making edits to a lesson in a curriculum select the Edit Lesson button at the top of the lesson. Selecting this button creates a new, editable version of the lesson. You can start making edits.

Image showing where to select the Edit Version button in a lesson.

Select Edit Version to make your own edits

Lesson Versions

Versions of lessons are copies you make of a lesson to make your own edits. 

  • You can always get back to the Primary Version of the lesson. The Primary Version is the most up to date version of the lesson from the author. This version is not editable. 
  • You can make as many Lesson Versions as you want. Every version you make is fully editable. 
  • Each version has a version name. You can customize that name when you create the version or you can rename the version in the Lesson Menu. 

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Select the drop down arrow to switch between version and access the Lesson Menu

NOTE: The version you are currently viewing has a check mark next to it. 


Lesson Menu

The Lesson Menu allows you to switch between versions of a lesson and access the lesson settings. 

  • Primary Version options: In the Primary Version you only have the option to Print the Lesson or create a new version
  • Lesson Version options: In Lesson Versions that you can edit you have options to print, share*, delete, or rename the lesson version. You can also change the lesson thumbnail. 

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Access more options for Lesson Versions you have created in the Lesson Menu

*NOTE: If you share a version of a lesson from a curriculum with another user, they can only access that version if they also have access to the same curriculum.