How do I share Lessons in PocketLab Notebook?

You can share Lessons with other teachers and PocketLab users by submitting it to the Lesson Library or with a shareable link

Lessons You've Created in My Lessons

  1. Open a Lesson that you've created in the My Lessons Page.
  2. Click the Cog icon in the top right corner of the Lesson. Then Click Share.
  3. Click Copy Link.
  4. With this link, others can view the Lesson in a read-only version. Other users can also use the link to import a copy of the Lesson to use in their own accounts by clicking Add to My Lessons.

Edited Lessons from the PocketLab Library or a Curriculum Subscription

  1. Open an Edited Version of a Lesson.
  2. Open the Version Control menu.
  3. Click Share This Version.
  4. Click Copy Link.
  5. With this link, others can view the Lesson in a read-only version. Other users can also use the link to add this version of the Lesson to their account by clicking Add Version
  6. Any new versions will be connected to the Lesson in the PocketLab Library or other Curriculum where the original is located. 

Note: For Curriculum Subscriptions, the person you are sharing with must also own the Curriculum to be able to add edited versions.