How to create Lesson Collections

Lesson Collections can be used to organize Lessons that you create yourself.

A Lesson Collection is like a folder where you can group and organize lessons that you create yourself on the My Lesson page. On the My Lessons page, you can click the Lesson Collections tab to create and edit new Collections. 

1. Go to My Lessons

2. Click Lesson Collections

3. Click Create Collection

4. Click Add a Lesson and select a Lesson from your My Lessons page to add it to the Collection. 

NOTE: When you add a Lesson to a Collection, it creates a new copy of the Lesson. Any changes you make to the copy in this Collection will not be reflected in the original copy in your My Lesson page. 

5. Click Add a Module to make a subfolder that can further group lessons together. 

6. Click and drag Lessons to organize them 

7. Click the three dot menu next to a Lesson to delete, share, change the thumbnail that students will see, or view a printable version of the Lesson.

  • Deleting the Lesson will remove it from this Collection, and will not delete the original copy in your My Lessons page.

8. Click Add to a Class to add an entire Module to a Class

9. These Lessons are in the Class, but not yet assigned to Students. Click Assign for students to access the Lesson.