Getting Started with PocketLab Notebook

PocketLab Notebook is a digital lab notebook for doing science investigations.

What do I need?

PocketLab Notebook is a web based application. This means you don't need to download any additional software to use it.

The application can be accessed through an internet browser.

Note: Currently only Google Chrome supports Bluetooth connection to a PocketLab sensor, so we recommend using Google Chrome. 

To collect PocketLab sensor data directly into PocketLab Notebook, you will need:

  1. PocketLab sensor
  2. Google Chrome web browser

Start using PocketLab Notebook

To start using PocketLab Notebook follow these steps: 

  1. Open a Google Chrome internet browser
  2. Navigate to
  3. You can also navigate to the PocketLab main web page ( and click Notebook login at the top of the page
  4. From here you can connect to a PocketLab sensor and access a few other features without logging in.

Note: For full access to PocketLab Notebook, including the ability to save data recordings you need to login or create an account.

Create a PocketLab Notebook Account

To login to PocketLab Notebook you will need to create a free account.

Follow these steps: 

  1. Navigate to PocketLab Notebook
  2. Click Teachers to create a Teacher account. Teachers are able to create student accounts. (If you are neither a Teacher nor a student, you can still create a Teacher account).
  3. A login screen will appear. Click Login if you have an account already. Click Create an Account if you need to create an account. 
  4. On the Create a PocketLab Notebook Account page, fill out your Profile information and then click Sign Up.
  5. You will receive an email with a verification code. Check your email and use the code to verify your email. 
  6. After your email is verified, you can now login.